Awesome Project Management Tools

Choosing a good project management tool can be difficult process. However, after doing a brief inquiry online I found the following tools to be highly functional and are easy to use.

  1. Dapulse– This is my favorite out of the ten or so that I learned about. The number one feature is that users don’t need training to use the application.  It eliminates overlapping communication, for example, team members can meet less often since responsibility and accountability can be seen by every one on the team. Also, less lengthy email threads to sift through for pertinent info. For each task, each person in all departments can comment and make notes. Sharing feedback and making corrections is simplified. This tool keeps everyone focused on what is important and motivates the team by automatic color coded updates. All goals, tasks, and objectives are transparent and able to be seen by the entire team. New groups, tasks, and even unexpected changes can be created with a click or drag and drop. Dapulse is ‘alive’ and makes necessary adjustments where needed if something changes that effects the entire project or just a few specific areas.
  2.  LiquidPlanner– This would be my next choice for a project management tool. This is a tool that would be great for a large project or one that had multiple components. The feature that stood out to me the most was the deep analytics. Automatically have reports generated from the data and resources that are completed during each project. Keeping people on the same page is important, this tool does this in a way that automatically adapts to change and allows project members to see impact of shifting priorities. Team members always have access to documents and comments and reports at the click of a button. Streamlining tasks and making everything transparent really helps to shorten the average time of projects because this app has simplified complex tasks.
  3. InMotion– I also liked this tool because it seemed like it would be the easiest application to learn and would be good for small projects. The templates makes it easy to get started. Tasks, team members and timelines are automatically assigned. Reviewing and corrections are made easy by allowing comments and feedback to be clearly seen by team and comments to be marked directly onto the proof.

Choosing a reliable project management tool is critical to the efficiency and overall success of teams that collaborate. Each of these tools have free trial periods. Once the trial period is over, all of them are nominally priced, not more than $20 per month for basic access. All of the programs have similar features and will give teams a great way to communicate and execute projects with ease and efficiency.


  1. Malik Harness · February 24, 2017


    I loved the Liquid Planner resource you recommended. It is every Project Managers savior. It is truly a revolution to Project Managment. Projects have so many pieces moving at the same time and it’s difficult to always keep up with them all. With Liquid planner it appears that this won’t be as much of a stressor. Thank you for the recommendation. I plan to use this in the future.


    • Joel Birch · March 23, 2017

      Very welcome, Malik. Good Luck!


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